In a world increasingly characterized by species loss, we support hubs of conservation hope and hard work. Adventure for Rhinos raises funds for the #Mazingira Conservation Works (MCW), which in turn supports community conservation projects in the greater Laikipia landscape, central Kenya.
Rhinos are emblematic of the conservation efforts of this landscape. That’s why we call our trips “Adventure for Rhinos”. Yet, conservation in this landscape is much bigger than any one species. Conservation must be dedicated to people and wild species living in harmony. To address this goal, we have chosen to work through the MCW.
Our mission supports local initiatives that result in benefits for people, wildlife, and their habitats. We are focused and local. We work through local partners, like the #LaikipiaWildlifeForum, to increase the benefits and impacts of these community conservation efforts.

Your funding supports community conservation projects that emphasize these values:
Diversity, Inclusion, and Empowerment – we strive to create a more diverse and inclusive engagement by supporting local communities, with women and youth at the forefront of action and solutions.
Respect for People, Wildlife, and Environment- we honor the voices and knowledge of the people and communities that live with the wildlife, and that share this vital space.
Responsibility – all that interact and work with MCF have a responsibility to protect the environment.
Courage and Creativity- we pride ourselves in supporting creative and courageous projects to habitat and wildlife conservation.

In 2023, we supported 5 community conservation projects – our first round of grants. Most of these projects focus on women’s groups, nurture local capacity building, and lead to income generation with wildlife conservation goals. In 2024, we aim to provide new grants, while supporting those existing grantees that wish to continue.
Travel, Adventure, and Exploration have attendant responsibilities in our increasingly interconnected world. Your adventure can make a difference. Join us in making a responsible difference to conservation through your donations and participation!
MCW's 2023 Community Conservation Projects
The Leo Project
The Leo Project recognizes the significance of engaging youth in climate change initiatives. By providing comprehensive training programs, stakeholder engagement, tree-planting activities, and the establishment of a tree nursery in partnership with a local school, this project aims to empower young people to become advocates of climate resilience and sustainable practices.
Oramat Lenaboisho Cooperative Society (OLCS)
OLCS’s project is dedicated to empowering women in traditional Maasai society by focusing on livestock ownership and increasing household wealth. Through activities such as livestock purchasing, improved governance and financial literacy, and marketing and sales support, the project aims to expand the cooperative’s membership and create sustainable livelihood opportunities for women.
Naatum Women's Group
This group is tackling climate change effects through rangeland restoration activities, tree planting, and vertical kitchen gardening. By enhancing rangeland management practices, clearing invasive plant species, and involving local communities in decision-making processes, this project aims to restore balance to the ecosystem while empowering women to lead conservation efforts.
Ontulili Primates Protection (OPP)
The OPP project focuses on protecting primates and biodiversity along the Ontulili River. By addressing unsustainable human activities, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflict, the project aims to restore the riparian land, benefiting both primates and the local community. Their activities include sourcing and procuring seeds, training farmers, and conducting tree-planting in collaboration with local stakeholders.
Ilmamusi Mukogodo Community Forest Association (CFA)
The Ilmamusi Mukogodo CFA is entrusted with the management of the Mukogodo Forest Reserve. Their project focuses on strengthening ecotourism activities by improving campsites, fostering collaboration among local tourism facilities, and enhancing online presence. By attracting more tourists, the project aims to generate economic benefits for the local community while ensuring the sustainable protection and management of the forest.